May 17, 2024
Early voting has begun for the June 18 primary! There are three locations open to early vote in Fairfax County: the Fairfax County Government Center, Mount Vernon Government Center, and North County Government Center. Find the location and time that works best for you, and make a plan to get out and vote!
You can find more information on early, in-person voting here. If you want to check your registration status or request a mail-in ballot, click here.
On Monday, the General Assembly met for a Special Session. I have included more information about the budget and Special Session below.
In this newsletter, I’ve included information about the following:
Town Hall and Community Conversations
AAPI Heritage Month Instagram Live Conversations
Recent Town Halls
Legislative Update
New Appointment
Special Session and Budget Update
Community Updates
Delivering Commending Resolutions to Outstanding School Staff
Cardinal Forest Elementary School Visit
Junior League of Northern Virginia’s Period Pantry Ribbon Cutting
Troop 1140 Eagle Courts of Honor
Friends of Mason Neck’s 26th Annual Eagle Fest
NOVA Labor’s Norman Hill Scholarship Reception
Cox’s Fairfax County Park System Outstanding Employee Nominations
Transportation Updates
Memorial Day Lane Openings
Newington Road Underpass Joint Letter
I-95 and Route 123 Interchange Improvements
WMATA’s Better Bus Network
As always, let me know if you have questions or need assistance by calling my office at (804) 698-1018 or emailing me at
Best, Kathy
Kathy KL Tran
Town Hall and Community Conversations
AAPI Heritage Month Instagram Live Conversations
In honor of AAPI Heritage Month, I have been and will be hosting a series of half hour discussions with AAPI leaders from across Virginia every Friday at noon in May. I hope you will join us!
You can find my Instagram account here.
Recent Town Halls
Thank you to everyone who took the time to attend my 4th annual Earth Day Town Hall, and an extra thank you to my special guests from the Southern Environmental Law Center, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and Our Virginia Outdoors!
Delegate Laura Jane Cohen and I had such a wonderful time with everyone who joined our recent Legislative Town Hall. We discussed the recent Reconvened Session and the upcoming Special Session, and took audience questions. Thanks to everyone who tuned in!
Legislative Update
New Board Appointment
I am so honored to share that I have been appointed to the Virginia Autism Advisory Council! The Autism Advisory Council is a council created by the General Assembly to help facilitate services across agencies to Virginians with autism spectrum disorders and determine and recommend policies, legislation, and funding to address the needs of residents with autism spectrum disorders.
In addition to this new appointment, I also have been appointed to serve on the State Water Commission, Potomac River Basin Commission, Joint Subcommittee to Evaluate Tax Preference, Virginia Board of Workforce Development, Secretary of Labor Work Group on Workforce Development, and Advisory Council on Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders (PANS) Associated with Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANDAS).
Special Session and Budget Update
Yesterday, Monday, May 13, the General Assembly met for a Special Session to consider the proposed biennial budget. The Constitution of Virginia requires that the legislature pass a balanced budget every two years starting July 1. The House of Delegate and state Senate adjourned the regular legislative session in March without having passed a new budget but made plans to continue working on the budget and meet for a special session.
In the intervening weeks between the end of the regular session and special session, our budget conferees — assigned members of the legislature to work on the budget — met to develop a budget for the General Assembly to consider. On Thursday, the conferees announced that they had come to a compromise and were ready to present the budget. That budget was made public last Saturday, and you can find it here.
It passed with wide bipartisan support in the House (94-6) and the state Senate (39-1), and it was signed by the Governor. As a whole, this budget provides record investment in our education and health care systems, helping working families and keeping Virginia moving forward.
In my next newsletter, I will send a breakdown of the major appropriations made in the signed budget. Stay tuned!
Vetoed Legislation
Governor Glenn Youngkin recently issued 48 vetoes, his last for legislation passed during the regular legislative session. Previously, the Governor had returned these bills to the General Assembly with his amendments and the General Assembly rejected them. These vetoes raise the number of bills he vetoed to 201, higher than any Governor in recent Virginia history.
I have included an overview of some of the legislation he vetoed below:
House Bill 187 and Senate Bill 104 would have required Virginia to raise the average teacher salary to at least the national average and for that raise to be reflected in the budget the Governor introduces. I supported both bills, and they passed the General Assembly with bipartisan support.
House Bill 498 and Senate Bill 225 would have required school boards to notify parents yearly about safely storing their firearms. The bills passed the General Assembly with bipartisan support, and I voted in favor of the bills.
House Bill 568 and Senate Bill 517 would have eliminated special tax exemptions for the Virginia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the General Organization of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the Confederate Memorial Literary Society, and the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Incorporated. These bills passed with bipartisan support, and I voted for both of them.
House Bill 609 and Senate Bill 237 would have guaranteed Virginians the right to contraception if a federal law protecting that right is overturned. The bills passed the legislature with bipartisan support, and I was proud to support them.
House Bill 624 and Senate Bill 105 would have created the At-Risk Program to support students who are educationally at risk and decrease English Language Learner teacher-to-student ratios. The Senate bill passed unanimously from the General Assembly, and the House bill passed with bipartisan support. I supported both bills.
House Bill 812 would have discontinued the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Robert E. Lee license plates. I supported this bill, and it passed with bipartisan support.
House Bill 962 would have removed the outdated term “alien” from the Virginia Code and replaced it with updated language. The bill passed the Senate on a party-line vote and the House with bipartisan support. I was happy to vote for the bill.
Senate Bill 212 would have legalized, taxed, and regulated skill game machines, which were temporarily legalized during the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill passed both bodies of the legislature with bipartisan support, and I voted to pass the bill.
Community Updates
Cardinal Forest Elementary School Visit
I had a wonderful time joining Principal Felicia Drake for a tour of Cardinal Forest Elementary School. Go Mighty Red Birds!
Junior League of Northern Virginia’s Period Pantry Ribbon Cutting
Thank you to the Junior League of Northern Virginia for inviting me to join you at your Period Pantry Ribbon Cutting! Every Virginian that needs menstrual products should have access to them. This period pantry helps expand access to these necessary products.
Troop 1140 Eagle Courts of Honor
I joined Delegate Laura Jane Cohen in celebrating our constituents, Phineas and Jonathan, on achieving Eagle Scout at their Court of Honor recently. Their leadership, dedication to service, and commitment to excellence in academics, sports, band and many other activities are inspiring!
Friends of Mason Neck’s 26th Annual Eagle Fest
My family and I were so happy to attend the 26th annual Eagle Festival at Mason Neck State Park! Eagle Fest is an annual celebration put on by the Friends of Mason Neck, which features live wildlife, hands-on educational opportunities, outdoor recreational and educational activities, and live music.
NOVA Labor’s Norman Hill Scholarship Reception
I was honored to join my fellow northern Virginia delegates at NOVA Labor’s Norman Hill Scholarship Reception. Norman Hill is a pioneering civil rights activist and labor leader, and I was so honored to meet him and hear firsthand his story and experiences.
Cox’s Fairfax County Park System Outstanding Employee Nominations
Do you know a Fairfax County Parks Authority employee who went above and beyond to help you or someone you know? Recognize their service by nominating them for a $1,000 donation to a nonprofit organization of their choice from Cox. Click here to nominate someone!
Transportation Updates
Memorial Day Lane Opening
If you are planning on traveling for Memorial Day weekend, VDOT is making your trip a little easier. Starting noon on Friday, May 24 and ending on noon on Tuesday, May 28, VDOT will be suspending many highway work zones and lifting most lane closures.
You can always check VDOT’s travel advisories for travel alerts on your route, or check 511 by visiting or by calling 511 from any phone in Virginia.
Travel safe next weekend — and always remember to buckle up!
Newington Road Underpass Joint Letter
Recently, I joined with fellow legislators and members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to ask the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for their assistance in identifying funding to expand the width of the Newington Road under the CSX Bridge. The current underpass is a single lane for two-direction traffic, which is a safety hazard and bottleneck.
A 2019 VDOT study of the underpass conducted a study that identifies a vision for the road that includes two lanes in either direction, a multi-use path, and a sidewalk. We hope that VDOT can help Fairfax County identify funding to increase safety and reduce congestion at this location.
You can read my, Senator Surovell, Chairman McKay, and Supervisor Storck, and Supervisor Lusk’s letter here.
I-95 and Route 123 Interchange Improvements
VDOT is seeking comments from the public on interchange improvements at the intersection of I-95 and Route 123 in Prince William County. When congestion occurs at this intersection, it backs up traffic as far as Fairfax County on Ox Road.
You can learn more about VDOT’s plan to improve this intersection by clicking here. To share comments click here and fill out the online form before May 20.
WMATA’s Better Bus Network
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) has released their proposed Better Bus Network, which they hope will improve service and connections. Their proposal includes:
A network of bus routes that better connect the region
Improved service, especially during evenings and on weekends
New route names
More efficient bus stop spacing
You can provide feedback on the proposed new network at one of Metro’s public hearings. To see a full list of dates, times, and locations, click here.
You can also see and provide feedback by using Metro's interactive comment map, taking a survey, submitting written comments, or uploading a document here. All feedback must be provided by 5:00pm on July 15, 2024.