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March 23, 2025


I filed my paperwork this week to run for re-election to the Virginia House of Delegates! It’s been an honor to represent our community and work with so many constituents to lift up working families, expand health care, invest in our public schools, and build a more welcoming Commonwealth. I look forward to continuing our progress for our community and I hope to earn your support.

In this newsletter, I’ve included the following updates:

  • Town Hall

    • Legislative Town Hall

    • Annual Transportation Town Hall

  • Community Updates

    • Commending Ambassador Geeta Rao Gupta

    • Rabbi David Widzer’s 25th Anniversary

    • NVCT Legislative Roundtable

    • Asian American Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Government & Policy

    • Girl Scouts Nation's Capital Service Unit 52-11’s Cupcake Wars

  • Resources for Impacted Federal Workers

    • Resource Page for Impacted Federal Workers

    • House of Delegate’s Emergency Committee on Federal Workforce and Funding Reductions

    • NOVAnext Scholarships for Impacted Federal Workers

  • Legislative Update

    • General Assembly Budget

    • My Funding Requests

  • Community Resources

    • 2025 Inova Community Health Opportunities

  • Transportation Update

    • Rolling Road Weekend Closures

    • Toll Fee Scam

    • I-495 Southside Express Lanes Study Public Information Meetings

As always, let me know if you have questions or need assistance by calling my office at (804) 698-1018 or emailing me at


Best, Kathy


Kathy KL Tran


Town Halls


Legislative Town Hall

I hope to see you at my upcoming virtual Legislative Town Hall! 

Delegate Kathy Tran’s Legislative Town Hall

Thursday, April 10 at 7:00pm

Register here!


Annual Transportation Town Hall

Thank you to everyone who attended my recent annual Transportation Town Hall with the Virginia Department of Transportation. We discussed major road infrastructure projects that VDOT is planning or have underway in the 18th House district. You can learn more about these projects at: 

Thank you to Ambassador Geeta Rao Gupta for her service to our country as the United States Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues under President Biden. I was honored to present the Ambassador with a commending resolution from the General Assembly.

Rabbi David Widzer’s 25th Anniversary

Congratulations to Rabbi David Widzer on the 25th anniversary of his ordination as a Reform Jewish Rabbi! Rabbi Widzer leads Temple B'nai Shalom with his trademark inclusiveness, warmth, gentle humor, and empathy and is beloved by everyone he meets. I was pleased to present him with a resolution from the General Assembly commending him on this milestone. 

NVCT Legislative Roundtable

I enjoyed joining the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust’s Legislative Roundtable with Senator Marden, Senator Surovell, Delegate Bulova, and Delegate Krizek. We discussed land conservation, state park funding, and how to best advocate for issues outside of the legislative session. Thank you for having me!

Asian American Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Government & Policy

Thank you to the Asian American Chamber of Commerce for having me as a member of your Women in Government and Policy roundtable. We had a robust discussion about civic engagement and how women can step up and lead.

Girl Scouts Nation's Capital Service Unit 52-11’s Cupcake Wars

I had a blast judging the Girl Scouts Nation's Capital Service Unit 52-11’s Cupcake Wars this weekend — all of the entries were scrumptious and creatively captured the “Fairy Tale Forest” theme!

Updates for Impacted Federal Workers


The indiscriminate, mass firing of thousands of federal workers by the Musk/Trump Administration are wrong and deeply damaging to families and communities throughout Virginia, including in our community in the 18th House District. You can see my statement on this situation here.

These firings have caused stress and anxiety for many in our community. My team and I are available to help connect you to resources to support yourself and your family during this time. If you have questions or need assistance, please call my office at (804) 698-1018 or emailing me at

Resource Page for Impacted Federal Workers


My team and I have put together a Resource Page for impacted federal and other workers that identifies resources from our state government and Fairfax County as well as nonprofit organizations that serve our area. You can view this Resource Page here

House of Delegate’s Emergency Committee on Federal Workforce and Funding Reductions


In January, Speaker Don Scott established the bipartisan House Emergency Committee on Federal Workforce and Funding Reductions to assess and give recommendations on how we can help impacted workers and communities, maintain essential services, and safeguard Virginia’s economy.

The Committee held its first meeting on February 22. They heard from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, Virginia Employment Commission, Virginia Municipal League, and House Appropriations Committee staff. You can view the February 22 meeting here.

The next meeting of the committee will be on April 8 at Virginia Tech's Innovation Campus in Alexandria. You can find more information about that meeting here.

NOVAnext Scholarships for Impacted Federal Workers


Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) has announced a new program called NOVAnext to help unemployed federal workers and contractors transition to new careers.

The program will offer up to $1 million in scholarships to up to 1,000 displaced workers. Applicants can enroll in one of 14 courses that will lead to certifications in fields like AI, IT, project management, and human resources. NOVA will also offer entrepreneurial bootcamps and online workshops through the program.

 Qualified applicants must have been laid off on or after February 1, 2025 and have lived in Northern Virginia for at least a year. To learn more, click here.

Legislative Updates


The General Assembly will meet on April 2 for the annual Reconvened Session. During this session, we will consider Governor Youngkin’s amendments and vetoes to bills and the budget that we passed during the legislative session. You can track the Governor’s actions to bills here.

General Assembly Budget


The Virginia Constitution requires the General Assembly to pass a balanced biennial budget every two years. In 2024, the General Assembly passed and the governor signed the biennial budget for Fiscal Years 2025-2026.

This year, the legislature considered amendments to the biennial budget, given updated economic forecasts: Our year-to-date revenues were up 7.3% over the previous year, leading to a $1.1 billion surplus compared to anticipated revenues.

The General Assembly’s budget proposal passed by wide bipartisan margins. I've highlighted some of the items from the General Assembly’s budget below, and you can see the legislature’s proposal at this link. I would also recommend the budget summary by The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis.

As with other legislation passed during the session, the General Assembly’s budget proposal is with the Governor for his consideration. He may accept the budget as is, veto the budget entirely, or propose line amendments that will be considered when the legislature reconvenes on April 2.

Family First Economy

  • Over $1 billion to lower tax burdens on working Virginians, including $200 per individual and $400 per couple tax rebates by October 2025, and a permanent increase in the standard deduction.

  • Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to provide more relief to lower-income households.

  • $20 million for rental assistance in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads.

  • $15 million for first-time homebuyer grants.

  • 1.5% bonus for state employees, and salary increases for E-911 dispatchers and juvenile justice security staff.

  • $25 million to expand childcare access by investing in public-private early childhood education partnerships.

World-Class Education

  • $782 million in additional funding on top of the historic commitment the state made toward public K-12 education last year.

  • $134 million allocated for a $1,000 bonus for teachers and school support staff.

  • $150 million to improve school buildings so that every Virginia student can have a safe and modern classroom.

  • $52.8 million in funding to expand special education support for students with disabilities.

  • $55 million to limit tuition increases at public colleges and universities and keep higher education affordable.

  • $20 million invested in Virginia’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to promote collaboration and opportunity.

  • 4,500 new early childhood education slots while maintaining affordable childcare costs for working families.

Strong Communities

  • $869 million investment in health and human services, including Medicaid, maternal health, and mental health services.

  • Over $40 million invested to strengthen mental health services, including in crisis services, expanded psychiatric resources, and mental health workforce support.

  • Expanded worker’s compensation benefits for law enforcement and firefighters to recognize their mental health needs.

  • $50 million for Southwest Virginia communities devastated by flooding by Hurricane Helene.

  • $25 million in grants to upgrade local drinking water infrastructure.

  • $35 million to attract new businesses and create jobs across the Commonwealth.

My Funding Requests


One of my standalone budget amendments was included in the budget proposal and one request I made in previous sessions was included as well:

  • $521,000 to fund the Troops to Teachers Program — allows the Troops to Teachers program at the College of William and Mary to continue. This program prepares veterans to teach in K-12 schools, thereby helping veterans transition successfully to the civilian workforce while filling our teacher gaps.

  • Expanding the Mary Marshall Scholarship Program for Nurses — helps address our significant nursing shortage by expanding eligibility for the Mary Marshall Scholarship Program for nursing students to include humanitarian parolees. 

Community Resources

2025 Inova Community Health Opportunities


Inova is accepting applications through April 18, 2025 at Noon for the “2025 Inova Community Health Opportunities Grants.” This competitive funding opportunity is available to eligible nonprofit organizations focused on addressing behavioral health, health access, or economic stability.

To qualify for the program, a nonprofit must meet the following criteria:

  • Tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code 

  • Located in and serve residents in Northern Virginia, specifically in one of the areas evaluated by the Inova Community Health Needs Assessments 

  • Focus area of behavioral health, health access and/or economic stability 

  • Not a recipient of the 2024 Inova Opportunity Funding 

  • Participate with the Unite Us/Unite Virginia platform (if awarded)

Transportation Update

Rolling Road Weekend Closures


On March 29 from 9am-3pm, VDOT will be closing the southbound right lane of Rolling Road between Viola Street and Tanworth Drive/Hunter Village Drive Rolling Road for tree work as part of the Rolling Road expansion. 


VDOT advises drivers, pedestrians, and other road users to exercise caution when traveling in work zones. Watch for new traffic patterns, limit distractions, and always wear your seatbelt! More information about the Rolling Road Widening Project is available here.

Toll Fee Scam

If you've received a text from an unknown number saying you owe toll money like in the message above, don't reply and don't click the link! The Virginia Department of Transportation and VirginiaDMV will NOT text you about toll fees. To learn more or to see if you have a toll bill, click here.

I-495 Southside Express Lanes Study Public Information Meetings

VDOT will be holding public information meetings for the public to learn about and provide input on the I-495 Southside Express Lanes Study, which would expand the express lane system between the Springfield Interchange, across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, to the Maryland 210 Interchange.

The Virginia meetings will be held at the following times and locations:

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

West Potomac High School


6500 Quander Road

Alexandria, VA 22307


Monday, April 7, 2025

Thomas A. Edison High School


5801 Franconia Road

Alexandria, VA 22310


Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Nannie J. Lee Memorial

Recreation Center

1108 Jefferson Street

Alexandria, VA 22314


VDOT will be providing presentation materials and accepting input starting on April 1 at this website

You can provide oral and/or written comment at any of the meetings above, by using VDOT’s online comment form or by mailing Michelle Shropshire, P.E., VDOT Northern Virginia Megaprojects Director, 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, by Monday, April 21, 2025.